Tall rules.

I’ve always been the tall girl. I was born long. For years, I hated standing out. To this day, I can hear my dad’s words ringing in my ears, “stand up properly Fiona, don’t slouch.”


When I became a teenager, I found less and less clothes that fitted my 35 inch inside leg. Today, thankfully, more mainstream stores offer clothes for the taller woman but, aged 17, there was only one brand – Long Tall Sally (LTS). In LTS, I found my first coat that kept my wrists warm!


I’ve always said this, but it’s so true – social media enables anyone to connect with people and brands they admire. I actually became ‘friends’ with Camilla, the now Creative Director of LTS, several years ago. I’m not even sure how I found her but we seemed to like similar aesthetics (and she had some seriously cute nephews!) so we bonded, albeit virtually. When she joined LTS she brought a fresh direction and introduced me to some of the LTS team. I’ve worked with LTS for almost a year and was invited to take a look around one of their recent shoots in East London.


– with the support of my pilates teacher and with my dad’s words firmly etched in my mind, I’ve accepted I am who I am.

We took the opportunity to discuss some 2017 projects and I explained to Camilla how surreal it is for me to work with a brand like LTS. It’s a business I’ve shopped with for, ahem, about 16 years. LTS have seen me through my teenage years, twenties and now in to my thirties. And, finally, with the support of my pilates teacher and with my dad’s words firmly etched in my mind, I’ve accepted I am who I am. And being different and being tall is pretty cool. In fact, being tall rules.
